URM School Searcher

made in anova

The Underrepresented Minority (URM) School Searcher uses Python and the requests-html library to web scrape for public and charter schools in a desired city and state. The script returns a response listing all schools in the area with their racial demographics, low-income percentage, and english-language learning percentages. The list is then sorted by a custom ranking, where schools with higher rates of underrepresented minorities represent target sites that likely need more computer science resources.

Automated Web Form

made in anova

The Automated Finance Web Form uses Selenium and the Google Sheets API to automatically fill out the purchase request web form on UC Berkeley’s club finance page. I made requests to the response spreadsheet of a Google Form and used the XPath of web elements on the Callink page to insert matching data, reducing the average time for submitting a purchase request from 35s to 3s (-91%).

Electronic Drink Dispenser

made in theta tau

The Electronic Drink Dispenser uses a chest freezer, 12W battery, force sensor, flex sensor, water pump, motor, LED screen, and Arduino One to both mechanically and electronically dispense liquid from a 5 gallon jug. I programmed a switch in C++ using an Arduino One to send a current to the motor that powers the water pump depending on the bend-angle of a resistance-detecting flex sensor wired to a handle on the chest freezer. I also implemented a custom conversion equation from the force sensor’s Newtons to liters to be displayed on the LED screen.

Personal Website


This website is used to exhibit my individual and team software/cs projects. Using the Jekyll Ruby gem and HTML/CSS, I created page templates and incorporated layout inheritance to simplify creating new pages and adding a blog.



Beets is an iOS audio loop pedal created during my first hackathon: CalHacks 3.0 at UC Berkeley. Using AVFoundation and Swift/Xcode, I was able to track user input, record audio from iOS devices, and play recordings on a loop.

Boba Buddies


Boba Buddies is a two-dimensional Javascript web/mobile video game my partner and I created during the final two weeks of the Girls Who Code Summer Immersion program at Square in 2015.